Friday, July 3, 2009

Criticism of Chemicals Used in Aerial Mosquito Abatement

The Insect Repellent DEET

N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) is an insect repellent

Palm Bay Police Chief bans patrol cars from idling

Environmentally Responsible Management, a model Policy. Should be Incorporated in City By-laws!

All personnel who manage, perform, and verify work that significantly affects the environment have the responsibility and authority to:

Initiate action to prevent non-conformity or non-compliance to environmental policy.
Report environmental related issues.
Initiate, recommend, or provide solutions through designated channels.
Verify the implementation of solutions.
Control the processing, delivery or use of non-conforming material until the nonconforming condition has been corrected.

The Environmental Management Policy Manual includes the responsibility and authority information and the interrelation of personnel who manage, perform, and verify this work.

The principles of employee involvement and continuous improvement have resulted in an empowered work force where any employee can identify EMS problems,identify solutions, and recommend corrective actions.


Palm Bay Financial Report including AUDIT for 2008

Financial Highlights:

The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at the close of fiscal year 2008 by $145 million. Of this amount, $39.9 million (unrestricted net assets) may be used to meet the City's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.

At September 30, 2008, the City's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $54.8 million, a decrease of $8.6 million in comparison with the prior year.

At September 30, 2008, unreserved fund balance for the General Fund was $5.8 million or 8.9% of total 2008 General Fund expenditures and transfers out. Governmental funds revenues increased $1.3 million or 1.7% over the prior fiscal year. The increase was due primarily to higher ad valorem tax collections.

The City's outstanding long-term debt increased by $32 million during fiscal year 2008. The City issued new debt for governmental activities for a total of $38.3 million. This is primarily for the issuance of the 2008 Taxable Special Obligation Bonds for the purpose of discharging the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the Police and Firefighter's retirement plan


Who and What Is the Economic Development Commission of Brevard? What offsets their Political Influence?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Organic Farms as Subdivision Amenities

At the 220-home Serenbe project near Atlanta’s airport, the cachet of local produce has been added to retiree-friendly businesses, including galleries, a bed-and-breakfast and three restaurants. Steve Nygren, an Atlanta restaurant impresario, started the project on his 900-acre farm.

See Your Home in 3-D from the Air at Brevard Property Appraiser Record Searches